Courses list

 | Post date: 2020/07/1 | 

Main Courses

Main Courses  
Corequisite Prerequisite Type Units Title Code No.
Fundamentals of Computer and Programming Workshop --- Theory 3 Fundamentals of Computer and Programming CE101 1
Fundamentals of Computer and Programming --- Practical 1 Fundamentals of Computer and Programming Workshop CE102 2
--- Mathematics I,
Fundamentals of Computer and Programming
Theory 3 Discrete Mathematics CE103 3
Advanced Programming Workshop Fundamentals of Computer and Programming Theory 3 Advanced Programming CE104 4
Advanced Programming --- Practical 1 Advanced Programming Workshop CE105 5
Discrete Mathematics, Logic Circuits Laboratory --- Theory 3 Logic Circuits CE201 6
Logic Circuits --- Practical 1 Logic Circuits Laboratory CE202 7
--- Discrete Mathematics, Advanced Programming Theory 3 Data Structures and Algorithms CE203 8
Differential Equations, Electrical and Electronic Circuits Laboratory Physics II Theory 3 Electrical and Electronic Circuits CE204 9
Electrical and Electronic Circuits --- Practical 1  
Electrical and Electronic Circuits Laboratory
CE205 10
--- English Language II Theory 2 Technical English CE206 11
Computer Architecture Laboratory Logic Circuits Theory 3 Computer Architecture CE207 12
Computer Architecture --- Practical 1 Computer Architecture Laboratory CE208 13
--- Data Structures and Algorithms Theory 3 Theory of Languages and Machines CE209 14
--- Mathematics II Theory 3 Applied Linear Algebra CE210 15
Microprocessor and Assembly Language Laboratory Computer Architecture Theory 3 Microprocessor and Assembly Language CE301 16
Microprocessor and Assembly Language --- Practical 1 Microprocessor and Assembly Language Laboratory CE302 17
Operating Systems Laboratory Computer Architecture Theory 3 Operating Systems CE303 18
Operating Systems --- Practical 1 Operating Systems Laboratory CE304 19
Operating Systems, Computer Networks Laboratory Engineering Probability and Statistics, Computer Architecture Theory 3 Computer Networks CE305 20
Computer Networks --- Practical 1 Computer Networks Laboratory CE306 21
--- Advanced Programming Theory 3 Software Engineering I CE307 22
--- Technical English Theory 2 Research and Presentation Methods CE308 23
--- Research and Presentation Methods Practical 1 Internship CE309 24
--- Research and Presentation Methods Practical 3 Final Project CE401 25
      55 Total Units


Packages Courses

Software Design and Development Package

Software Design and Development Package Courses  
Corequisite Prerequisite Type Units Title Code No.
--- Data Structures and Algorithms Theory 3 Algorithm Design CE221 1
--- Data Structures and Algorithms Theory 3 Principles of Database Design CE231 2
--- Data Structures and Algorithms Theory 3 Compiler Design CE232 3
--- Theory of Languages and Machines Theory 3 Programming Languages CE233 4
--- Software Engineering I Theory 3 Software Engineering II CE331 5
--- Software Engineering II Theory 3 Software Testing CE431 6
--- Software Engineering I Theory 3 User Interface Design CE432 7
--- Data Structures and Algorithms,
Engineering Probability and Statistics
Theory 3 Information Retrieval CE421 8
      24 Total Units



Computer Systems Package

Computer Systems Package Courses  
Corequisite Prerequisite Type Units Title Code No.
--- Differential Equations Theory 3 Signal and Systems CE222 1
--- Microprocessor and Assembly Language Theory 3 Interface Circuits Design CE241 2
--- Computer Architecture Theory 3 Programmable Digital Systems Design CE242 3
--- Electrical and Electronic Circuits Theory 3 Digital Electronics CE243 4
--- Operating Systems, Microprocessor and Assembly Language Theory 3 Embedded and Real-Time Systems CE341 5
--- Operating Systems Theory 3 Multi-Processor Programming CE342 6
--- Computer Networks, Operating Systems Theory 3 Fundamentals of Cloud Computing CE422 7
--- Computer Architecture Theory 3 Hardware-Software Codesign CE441 8
      24 Total Units


Artificial Intelligence Package

Artificial Intelligence Package Courses  
Corequisite Prerequisite Type Units Title Code No.
--- Data Structures and Algorithms, Discrete Mathematics Theory 3 Algorithm Design CE221 1
--- Differential Equations Theory 3 Signal and Systems CE222 2
Applied Linear Algebra Data Structures and Algorithms Theory 3 Principles and Applications of Artificial Intelligence CE251 3
--- Algorithm Design Theory 3 Foundations of Computational Intelligence CE351 4
--- Signal and Systems Theory 3 Introduction to Robotics CE352 5
--- Foundations of Computational Intelligence Theory 3 Introduction to Bioinformatics CE451 6
--- Foundations of Computational Intelligence Theory 3 Data Mining CE452 7
--- Data Structures and Algorithms, Engineering Probability and Statistics Theory 3 Information Retrieval CE421 8
      24 Total Units


Computer Network Package

Computer Network Package Courses  
Corequisite Prerequisite Type Units Title Code No.
--- Differential Equations Theory 3 Signal and Systems CE222 1
--- Computer Networks Theory 3 Web Programming CE261 2
--- Computer Networks, Signal and Systems Theory 3 Data Communication CE361 3
--- Computer Networks Theory 3 Information and Communications Security CE362 4
--- Engineering Probability and Statistics, Signal and Systems Theory 3 Multimedia Systems CE363 5
--- Advanced Programming Theory 3 Mobile Device Programming CE364 6
--- Computer Networks, Operating Systems Theory 3 Fundamentals of Cloud Computing CE422 7
--- Microprocessor and Assembly Language, Computer Networks Theory 3 Internet of Things Fundamentals CE461 8
      24 Total Units


Optional Courses

Optional Courses  
Corequisite Prerequisite Type Units Title Code No.
--- Advanced Programming Theory 3 Computer Graphics CE371 1
--- Software Engineering I Theory 3 Human and Computer Interaction CE372 2
--- Introduction to Robotics Theory 3 Robot Building Workshop CE373 3
--- Advanced Programming Theory 3 Computer Games Design CE374 4
--- Theory of Languages and Machines Theory 3 Theory of Computation CE375 5
--- Operating Systems, Engineering Probability and Statistics Theory 3 Computer Simulation CE376 6
--- Computer Graphics Theory 3 Foundations of Computer Animation CE377 7
--- --- Theory 3 Information Technology Project Management CE378 8
--- Engineering Economics, Computer Networks Theory 3 E-Commerce CE379 9
--- Software Engineering I Theory 3 Startup Business Development CE380 10
--- Microprocessor and Assembly Language Theory 3 Industrial Automation CE381 11
--- --- Theory 3 Special Topics 1 CE382 12
--- --- Theory 3 Special Topics 2 CE383 13
--- --- Theory 3 Linear Control
(Electrical Engineering)
--- 14
--- --- Theory 3 Engineering Economics
(Industrial Engineering)
--- 15
--- --- Theory 3 Project Control
(Industrial Engineering)
--- 16
--- --- Theory 3 Graph Theory
(Computer Science)
--- 17
--- --- Theory 3 Numerical Computation --- 18
--- --- Theory 3 Up to 5 courses from the non-selected Packages --- 19
--- --- Theory 3 Up to 2 courses from other departments
(need department approval)
--- 20
--- ---- --- --- Up to 2 master courses (need department approval) --- 21